bet36365体育's Health Sciences Department sets itself apart through a wealth of student-centered programs, clubs, and events that allow students to experience professional development at all levels. Experienced faculty advisors work with students on an individual level to help choose a path that best fits their interests and abilities.
The Health Sciences Department offers:
The bet36365体育 Health Science Club began in 2004 to provide support, collaboration, and opportunities for our health science students. The organization promotes student involvement in community and campus service projects; connects members with other pre-health students; provides members with opportunities to learn valuable professional and leadership skills; and makes a positive impact on our community through multiple supportive and fundraising efforts.
Our Health Science Club activities include multiple areas of focus, which allow our students to find pursuits and philanthropic interests that fit their passions. Our executive leadership team includes undergraduate health science students in roles as President, Vice President, and Secretary.
We also have eight committee chairs working on a variety of projects throughout the school year:
For more information, or to join, contact our Staff Advisors: Stefani Wegner ( & Tom Knott (
Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Preprofessional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in preprofessional health scholarship. The bet36365体育 Chapter of AED is the “Nebraska Beta Chapter” within the Central Region. Our Society welcomes students engaged in the pursuit of a professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the university community.
AED provides public recognition of outstanding scholarship among our health sciences students, including special graduation regalia (graduation cords) for undergraduate graduation. Students also receive consideration for AED scholarships and the opportunity to interact with other AED members at bet36365体育 and throughout the United States. These students serve as leaders and mentors for other bet36365体育 health sciences students.
The student shall be engaged in courses leading to health profession careers, including Chiropractic, Clinical Perfusion, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine (MD/DO), Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Podiatry, Public Health, Radiography, Respiratory Therapy
Character (including campus and community involvement), general ability, and personality will be considered carefully in the selection of each member.
For more information, you may visit the AED national website or contact our staff advisors Sara Bruner ( or Stefani Wegner (